Sabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Advice for Hanna and Mechanical...
Hey Hannah, I am sorry you missed the trip but that’s not because of the reason you would expect. You didn’t have to stand nearly still for an hour and suffer through a condition Professor Heath called...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Photo Portfolio and Critical Essay, on the...
Sabrina Momtaz IDC: Arts in New York City Professor Heath Assignment: Photo Portfolio and Critical Essay New York City. Whenever these three words are spoken, the skyline pops into mind. The Big […]
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Hi Marina, I love your idea of showing the contrast between your hometown and New York City. Where I focused only on my my quiet neighborhood, you brought in the city to further highlight your point....
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Hey Dzvinka, I loved your idea of looking at the tourists that make up a large part of New York City’s identity. I never really noticed tourists much,assuming they are just a part of the huge...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Modern Opera, on the site Seminar 1: Arts in...
It’s so easy to say there are so many problems around us but when asked to highlight one, my mind just went blank. Perhaps that’s because there are so many problems. Or it could be because we are all...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Dazzling New York, on the site Seminar 1:...
If given the power, how would you change the physical structure of the city (the layout, its organization, its buildings, etc.) to make it “better”? New York City is one small island but it is a vast...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz posted a new activity comment
Wow this is such a great idea!! New York City could definitely use a lot of green spaces. The benefits to the environment are obvious but the benefits to the homeless and poor are great. Your fruits...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Penn Station Improvements, on the site...
Penn Station: How do I enter? Wow this place is big! It’s so pretty. It’s so confusing. This place actually isn’t so pretty. How do I get out? Those were the exact thoughts I had running through my...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Object Diary (, on the site Seminar 1: Arts...
Object Diary Object: Anything that is tangible, solid Meaningful: I need to use it or it holds my attention for than 15 seconds. List of […]
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, IDC Final Project : Object Diary, on the...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, Hot Topic: Reaction to Alcohol, on the site...
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View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, A Quintessential New Yorker, on the site...
In what ways were the efforts of Alexander Hamilton good for New York City and its Future? In what ways were they bad for NYC and its future? Alexander Hamilton embodies everything that is New York. He...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, A Fluid Jigsaw Puzzle, on the site Shaping...
“It’ll be a great place if they ever finish it.” – O. Henry Is always being a “provisional city” bad for New York City? What measures can you think of, or suggest in reflecting on the reading, that...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, To Keep or Not to Keep..., on the site...
How well does Max Page’s account of the need for historic preservation in New York City square with his argument that New York is a ‘Provisional City?’ Max Page discusses in length the measures some...
View ArticleSabrina Momtaz wrote a new post, A Lovely Monster, on the site Shaping the...
The Power Broker is a puzzle of a book. When I started reading the introduction to the book, for few moments I forgot that I wash’t reading a great fantasy. The story of one man single handedly...
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